There’s no denying that car insurance costs are rising each year. The industry blames the growing number of fraudulent claims on the problem. Despite that fact, the legitimate claims outnumber them quite a lot.
We have no choice but to pay for car insurance. That is, if we want to be driving around in road-legal cars! After all; if you have an accident, would you have the funds to cover any damage and compensation costs? I doubt it! That’s why car insurance is a necessary expense.
Are you an excellent driver? Even if that’s the case, there may be times where you find yourself involved in a collision. The good news is that you can take some practical steps to avoid such situations.
Make sure your car is roadworthy
The first thing you should do is ensure that your car is fit for purpose, as they say. Do your brakes work? If they don’t, get some new discs and pads from your dealer. You could also upgrade to some EBC ones for better stopping power.
What about your tyres? Many people don’t realise that a tread depth of 4mm on a tyre means that it’s only 50% effective. Does that sound like the condition of your tyres? Consider fitting some new Kumho KU31 rubber.
You should change your wiper blades at least twice a year. Can’t see out your windscreen because of juddering wipers? You increase your risk of having an accident. They are cheap to replace; get them sorted out!
Get your eyes tested
As we age, our eyesight may start to become impaired. Even if you don’t think you need glasses, it’s worth having an eye test each year. The cost to do so is minimal, and you could even get a free eye test voucher through work.
It’s worth doing so that you can stay focused on the road. If you have to strain to concentrate on objects far ahead, you may need glasses.
Drink plenty of water before you drive
Many people are often dehydrated without knowing it. When that happens, your ability to concentrate on the task at hand gets impaired. Be sure to have plenty of water before you drive, especially for long journeys.
Water will keep you hydrated and your mind alert and fresh. Avoid tea and coffee before driving, as you’ll need to make one or more pit stops during your journey. And you’ll feel dehydrated again!
Don’t drive in rush-hour
You might not want to drive to work early and leave later than everyone else. But, it’s a good way of avoiding the higher risks associated with rush-hour driving.
Another option may be to take an alternative route to work and back each day.
Stick to the speed limit
The problem with many motorists is that they think speed limits are “advisory”! Of course, we all know we’re not meant to exceed them. But, most drivers do just that.
I recommend sticking to the speed limit. You’re less likely to have an accident if you’re not driving at speeds that aren’t safe for the road you’re on.