March 3, 2025

car insuranceChoosing a car insurance is not easy. Many drivers opt for certain companies for their prestige, some are faithful over time and are left with “the devil they know”, some of them even before hiring is very well read the fine print of the contract, while for others only difference about other policies is its price.

For those who have to buy insurance for the car and have doubts, let down a list of rules that have developed from European motorists Associates (AEA):


1. Do not trust what they tell you in words. The insurance contract must always be made in writing.

2. Ask not only what insurance covers. Ask also for what is not covered.

3. When comparing prices between different companies, also compare equal magnitudes. Under the nomenclature “all risk insurance” or “third party insurance” coverage can be important variations. Thus, for example, to compensate for the total loss of a vehicle some companies do under the price of what it cost at the time the car again, others according to the new updated price and the value of other enrollment used car. Between each other can be variations of up to 40%.

4. Immediately pay the premium and requires a receipt issued by the insurance company. Remember that the first requirement to be insured is to be current on payments. As far as insurance is not worth the “I will pay you.”

5. Annually reviews the coverage of your policy, especially if insurance contracts “all risks”. Remember that every year the value of your car depreciates, and it may be that over the years you are paying more premium compensation that can reciprocate in case of total loss.

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